Monday, November 29, 2010

Land Of The Kiwi’s

After the small islands of Fiji, there is another island to discover: New Zealand.
First we had a couple days to discover Auckland.
After that we went further to the north part of New Zealand.
We had the chance to swim with dolphins at the Bay of Island. It was amazing to be able to swim close to them, but very exhausting as well.
You can’t give wild dolphins directions and it’s a big ocean so they will swim wherever they want of course. It was a great experience though.

Cape Reigna is the most northern part of New Zealand. At this point we were able to see two great oceans coming together.
The two colors, of the Tasmanian sea and the Pacific Ocean, are twirling into each other at this point.
We have already seen some big dunes near Chicago and thought it couldn’t get any bigger, but we were wrong.
On our way from Cape Reigna to the 90 mile beach, we first had a stop at one of the huge dunes for sandboarding with a boogie board.
The toughest part was getting on top of those dunes in the hot weather. Everytime we took one step forward, it seems the sand send us two steps back, but eventually we did get up there. And it took us about 4 seconds to get down again.
At the end of the day we got sand everywhere.
Driving the 90 mile beach with a rental car wouldn’t be such a bright thing to do, people have tried it and got stuck. During our trip in a tour bus we even saw some remains of the cars. 
They were left behind after getting stuck there.

We ended our New Zealand trip in Auckland again.
Time to fly to our next destination.
Which one will it be? Could you guess the right one?


  1. Hey Meiden!

    Wat een mooie foto's en wat een geweldig weer!
    Jullie vinden het misschien iets te warm, maar ik zou best ff een dag willen ruilen. Het is hier echt steen koud en het sneeuwt.

    Veel plezier op het volgende continent!

    Groetjes, Natalia.

  2. hey Natalia,

    Dankjewel! Het is hier erg warm, en soms idd te warm. Maar we genieten er maar van voordat we terug komen in Nederland! En je ben altijd welkom om ons op te komen zoeken hoor ;)


  3. Hey Meiden!

    Als het kon zou ik jullie echt zo opzoeken, maar ik denk niet dat m'n baas dat zo'n goed idee vindt.
    Wanneer zijn jullie weer terug in Nederland?

    Groetjes, Natalia.

  4. Hey Natalia,

    We zijn 18 december weer terug! Misschien kunnen we weer snel afspreken.

