Sunday, November 7, 2010

Viva Las Vegas

Casinos, nights clubs and all over the top hotels are the things you will find in Fabulous Las Vegas.
We arrived in Las Vegas on the 31st of October and that means Halloween; trick or treat!
The whole town was dressed up in the funniest costumes we ever had seen, like a huge baby ‘girl’ and a Parisian guy with his French poodle dog. 
It was nice to celebrate this holiday in the states.

On the second day we had time to visit the strip with all the crazy hotels over there. 
Each and every single hotel has a theme and many attractions. 
After walking all day there, we’ve seen the whole world. From Paris to Egypt to New York City and all the way back to Venetia. No need for a world trip anymore, we could easily pack our bags and go home ;).
It was really over the top. You could even find rollercoaster’s in some of the hotels!

We also had time to visit casinos and gamble a little bit and in the end, we even won some money!

The next day we went to the great Grand Canyon. 
Unfortunately the Grand Canyon wasn’t that great.
The last few weeks we’ve seen so many national parks in the states and this one just didn’t popped out for us.
But the view was still beautiful.

Next stop San Francisco.


  1. geweldig... de foto in het venetian hotel heb ik ook precies op die plek alleen bij mij is die wazig:)

    jammer dat jullie de grand canyan tegen vonden vallen maja alle parken zijn weer anders en mooi..

    veel plezier nog
    xxx marin

  2. Hey Marin,
    Ja ik herkende deze plek van jou foto ;). In het Venetian Hotel had ik echt gevoel in Italiƫ te zijn ipv Las Vegas!

    Ik denk dat wij gewoon veel meer van grand canyon verwachtte en helaas voldeed die daar niet aan :(. Ach we hebben veel andere mooie plekken gezien

    xx Phuong
